Sunday 8 September 2013

Week One

On my first day I bought in my 10 objects that have meaning to me, this consisted of; a ring that my parents gave me for my 18th birthday, a cork from the champagne we drank at my 18th birthday, a bracelet that I bought in South Africa last year, a photograph of my mum and I when I was four years old, also my favourite perfume, one of my favourite albums from The XX, My favourite song and a ring that my mum gave me. I used these pictures to express my identity and personality traits. This lead me on to mind mapping the words I associated with these objects that related to the 7 areas of; Genes, Physicality, Symbol/Personality, Likes/Dislikes, Special Objects and family history. By doing this I was able to represent my identity through these words.

Once choosing 10 key words to represent my feelings I wanted to gather images to represent this, I enjoyed this task as I found it interesting however I don't think that I managed my time that well as it took me longer than I had expected, although it showed me that I need to work more efficiently and allow myself enough time to complete the task and have a better plan so I can complete tasks efficiently.  
Original Mood Board
I found a variety of images that represent my identity and feelings, then arranged them into a mood board, however when I did the group workshop that meant I looked at three other boards and re-arranged them and the same happened to my mood board, after doing this task and talking to the tutors I had changed my board significantly, by taking images out. One tutor suggested arranging the images into a linear order for someone else's board I then used this advice on my own board and found that there is a flowing theme of softness and femininity throughout it which now expresses my feelings better.  I enjoyed this task as now I can see my ideas clearer and after gaining positive advice from the tutors. 
Final Mood Board

1 comment:

  1. Kat, this is a good start, both your studio work and blog show a good level of direction and reflection. Next week try to cover the entire week rather than one workshop.
